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Blog Post number 4

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Blog Post number 3

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 2

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 1

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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.



First confirmed case of pseudocopulation in terrestrial orchids of South America: Pollination of Geoblasta pennicillata (Orchidiaceae) by Campsomeris bistrimacula (Hymenoptera, Scoliidae)

Published in Flora, 2006

Recommended citation: Ciotek L, Giorgis P, Benitez-Vieyra S*, Cocucci AA. 2006. First confirmed case of pseudocopulation in terrestrial orchids of South America: Pollination of Geoblasta pennicillata (Orchidiaceae) by Campsomeris bistrimacula (Hymenoptera, Scoliidae). Flora 201(5): 365-369.

Beyond neutral and forbidden links: morphological matches and the assembly of mutualistic hawkmoth-plant networks

Published in Journal of Animal Ecology, 2016

Recommended citation: Sazatornil FD, Moré M, Benitez-Vieyra S, Cocucci A, Kitching I, Schlumpberger B, Oliveira P, Sazima M, Amorim F. 2016. Beyond neutral and forbidden links: morphological matches and the assembly of mutualistic hawkmoth-plant networks. Journal of Animal Ecology 85(6): 1586–1594.

Pericarpial nectary-visiting ants do not provide fruit protection against pre-dispersal seed predators regardless of ant species composition and resource availability

Published in PLoS ONE, 2017

Recommended citation: Sanz-Veiga PA, Jorge LR, Benitez-Vieyra S, Amorim FW. 2017. Pericarpial nectary-visiting ants do not provide fruit protection against pre-dispersal seed predators regardless of ant species composition and resource availability. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0188445.

Phylogeny of the Neotropical sages (Salvia subgenus Calosphace; Lamiaceae) and insights into pollinator and area shifts

Published in Plants Systematics and Evolution, 2018

Recommended citation: Fragoso-Martínez I, Martínez-Gordillo M, Salazar GA, Sazatornil F, Jenks AA, García Peña MR, Barrera Aveleida G, Benitez-Vieyra S, Magallón S, Cornejo-Tenorio G, Granados Mendoza C. 2018. Phylogeny of the Neotropical sages (Salvia subgenus Calosphace; Lamiaceae) and insights into pollinator and area shifts. Plants Systematics and Evolution 304(1): 43-55.

Evolutionary transition between bee pollination and hummingbird pollination in Salvia: comparing means, variances and covariances of corolla traits

Published in Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2019

Recommended citation: Benitez-Vieyra S, Pérez-Alquicira J, Sazatornil FD, Domínguez CA, Boege K, Pérez-Ishiwara JR, Fornoni J. 2019. Evolutionary transition between bee pollination and hummingbird pollination in Salvia: comparing means, variances and covariances of corolla traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32(8): 783-793.

Measuring natural selection on multivariate phenotypic traits: a protocol for verifiable and reproduciable analyses of natural selection

Published in Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 2019

Recommended citation: Palacio FX, Ordano M, Benitez-Vieyra S. 2019. Measuring natural selection on multivariate phenotypic traits: a protocol for verifiable and reproduciable analyses of natural selection. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 65(3-4): 130-136.

Reproductive ecology of the bird-pollinated Nicotiana glauca across native and introduced ranges with contrasting pollination environments.

Published in Biological Invasions, 2020

Recommended citation: Issaly EA, Sérsic AN, Pauw A, Cocucci AA, Traveset A, Benitez-Vieyra S, Paiaro V. 2020 Reproductive ecology of the bird-pollinated Nicotiana glauca across native and introduced ranges with contrasting pollination environments. Biological Invasions 22: 485-498.

Daily fluctuations in pollination effectiveness explain higher efficiency of native over exotic bees in Lepechinia floribunda (Lamiaceae)

Published in Annals of Botany, 2020

Recommended citation: Baranzelli MC, Benitez-Vieyra S, Glinos E, Trenchi A, Córdoba S, Camina J, Ashworth L, Sérsic AN, Coccuci AA, Fornoni J. 2020. Daily fluctuations in pollination effectiveness explain higher efficiency of native over exotic bees in Lepechinia floribunda (Lamiaceae). Annals of Botany 125(3): 509-520.

Is variation in flower shape and length among native and non-native populations of Nicotiana glauca a product of pollinator-mediated selection?

Published in Evolutionary Ecology, 2020

Recommended citation: García M, Benitez-Vieyra S, Sérsic AN, Cocucci AA, Pauw A, Sazatornil F, Paiaro V. 2020. Is variation in flower shape and length among native and non-native populations of Nicotiana glauca a product of pollinator-mediated selection. Evolutionary Ecology 34: 893-913.

The role of ontogenetic allometry and nonallometric flower shape variation in species-level adaptive diversification – Calceolaria polyrhiza (Calceolariaceae) as a case study

Published in Evolution and Development, 2021

Recommended citation: Strelin M, Cosacov A, Chalcoff V, Maubecin C, Sérsic AN, Benitez-Vieyra S. 2021. The role of ontogenetic allometry and nonallometric flower shape variation in species-level adaptive diversification – Calceolaria polyrhiza (Calceolariaceae) as a case study. JEvolution and Development. 23(3): 231-243.

Floral biology of Salvia stachydifolia, a species visited by bees and birds: connecting sexual phases, nectar dynamics and breeding system to visitors’ behaviour

Published in Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021

Recommended citation: Barrionuevo CN, Benitez-Vieyra S, Sazatornil FD. 2021. Floral biology of Salvia stachydifolia, a species visited by bees and birds: connecting sexual phases, nectar dynamics and breeding system to visitors’ behaviour. Journal of Plant Ecology. 14(4): 580-590.

Late Holocene Ameghinomya antiqua shells from the Beagle Channel: a multi-proxy approach to palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction

Published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2021

Recommended citation: Morán GA, Bayer S, Beierlein L, Martínez JJ, Benitez-Vieyra S, Mackensen A, Brey T, Gordillo S. 2021. Late Holocene Ameghinomya antiqua shells from the Beagle Channel: a multi-proxy approach to palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 578: 110574.

Obstáculos en la evaluación de descanalización fenotípica como modelo etiológico alternativo para el aumento en la incidencia de diabetes tipo 2 en población argentina. Una aproximación epistemológica

Published in Themata. Revista de filosofía, 2023

Recommended citation: Pettino Zapala A, Benitez-Vieyra S, Folguera G. 2023. Obstáculos en la evaluación de descanalización fenotípica como modelo etiológico alternativo para el aumento en la incidencia de diabetes tipo 2 en población argentina. Una aproximación epistemológica. Themata. Revista de filosofía 68: 513-540.

Efecto de los visitantes nativos y exóticos sobre la germinación de Lepechinia floribunda (Lamiaceae)

Published in Revista de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, 2024

Recommended citation: Baranzelli MC, Martínez G, Fornoni J, Camina J, Ashworth L, Sérsic AN, Cocucci AA, Issaly AE, Benitez-Vieyra S, Rocamundi N. 2024. Efecto de los visitantes nativos y exóticos sobre la germinación de Lepechinia floribunda (Lamiaceae). Revista de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 22(29): 205–214.

Aproximaciones a la red de interacción entre abejas nocturnas y plantas con flores de Potrerillos de Güendá (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

Published in Revista de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, 2024

Recommended citation: Crespo Cordero MR, Almendras Gutierrez CA, Calcina Mamani S, Adler M, Benitez-Vieyra S. 2024. Aproximaciones a la red de interacción entre abejas nocturnas y plantas con flores de Potrerillos de Güendá (Santa Cruz, Bolivia). Revista de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 22(29): 195–204.

Potenciales defensas químicas de plantas nativas de Potrerillo del Güendá utilizando conducta de formícidos como bioindicadores

Published in Revista de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, 2024

Recommended citation: Quinteros Guzman JV, Enriquez Loayza D, Cervantes MP, Benitez-Vieyra S. 2024. Potenciales defensas químicas de plantas nativas de Potrerillo del Güendá utilizando conducta de formícidos como bioindicadores. Revista de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 22(29): 185–194.



Métodos en ecología evolutiva.

Curso de especialización, Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca, 2020

Podés consultar la última versión disponible de este curso aquí. Versiones anteriores de este curso fueron dictadas junto a Mariano Ordano y Andrea A. Cocucci.